On tour with Prism Book Tours.
Tour Grand Finale for
Earthman Jack vs. The Secret Army
By Matthew Kadish
If you missed any of the fabulous guest posts, interviews, or excerpts for this tour, go back and check them out now!
Launch - Interview
Coffee Books & Art - Excerpt
Mythical Books - The Top 5 Ways To Deal With Harry Potter Withdrawal
Teatime and Books - The Top 5 Ways You Know You’re A YA Fan
Colorimetry - 5 Things That Make A Sci-Fi Novel Worth Reading
Letters from Annie (Douglass) Lima - 6 Star Trek Books All Sci-Fi Fans Should Read...
Katie's Clean Book Collection - Top 9 Heroes Of Sci-Fi & Fantasy Young Adult Fiction
Christy's Cozy Corners - 5 Ways To Prepare For The Next Star Wars Movie
Wishful Endings - Excerpt
MichaelSciFan - Interview
deal sharing aunt - Interview
If you missed any of the fabulous guest posts, interviews, or excerpts for this tour, go back and check them out now!
Launch - Interview
Q: What is the Earthman Jack Space Saga?
My elevator pitch for the series is basically “Harry Potter meets Star Wars.” It’s about a fifteen year old kid from Ohio named Jack who one day suddenly finds himself at the epicenter of an intergalactic conflict between a benevolent Galactic Empire and an army of evil aliens called Deathlords. Jack is a bit of a slacker and an underachiever, but through the course of his adventure, he learns to be the hero the universe needs. Essentially, the Earthman Jack Space Saga is my love-letter to all the sci-fi I grew up geeking out over.
Coffee Books & Art - Excerpt
And though one would think Jack would be safe now that he’s entering into Princess Glorianna’s realm, nothing could be further from the truth. For new threats are lurking, just waiting to strike, and some of the threats cannot be fought as easily as a Deathlord Dark Soldier. (And let’s face it, those aren’t the easiest adversaries to begin with.)
Mythical Books - The Top 5 Ways To Deal With Harry Potter Withdrawal
It’s a bittersweet experience when one finishes reading a book series that is absolutely amazing. In a way, you’re glad, because you got to experience the entire story. But in another way, you’re sad, because now what the heck are you supposed to read? I know this was the case when I finished the Harry Potter series. But don’t worry, I made it through the withdrawal of Wogwarts and all the magical adventures of Harry, Ron, and Hermione, and you can too! Here are the top 5 ways you can deal with Harry Potter withdrawal…
Teatime and Books - The Top 5 Ways You Know You’re A YA Fan
Let’s face it. Young Adult fiction can be like a drug. At first, you think its innocent enough. Then, the cravings begin. Soon, you’re mainlining at Barnes and Noble, tearing through the YA shelves like they’re going out of style. How do you know if you’ve taken your love of all things YA too far? Here are some of the most common signs that you’re a Young Adult superfan…
Colorimetry - 5 Things That Make A Sci-Fi Novel Worth Reading
Science Fiction is a lot like pizza. Even when it’s bad, it can still be enjoyable. But there are a few things which make some science fiction truly great. As a sci-fi author myself, these are the top 5 things I look for when reading science fiction and fantasy novels, which lets me know that what I’m reading is going to be great…
Letters from Annie (Douglass) Lima - 6 Star Trek Books All Sci-Fi Fans Should Read...
If you’re a Trekkie, then chances are you’ve picked up a Star Trek-themed book before. But the barrier to entry to some of these novels may be rather large if you aren’t a fan of the TV show. The good news is that some Star Trek novels are so good, they can appeal to any fan of sci-fi, even if they don’t like Star Trek! Here are the top 5 Star Trek books sci-fi fans should check out if they’re looking for a good read.
Katie's Clean Book Collection - Top 9 Heroes Of Sci-Fi & Fantasy Young Adult Fiction
I like my heroes in Young Adult fiction like I like my coffee – strong, sweet, and full of caffeine. (Okay, maybe not full of caffeine, but you get my drift.) And when it comes to science fiction and fantasy, the literary world has no shortage of great teenage heroes. Who are the best, you should ask? Well, you’re in luck, because I’m going to share with you the top 9 heroes of sci-fi and fantasy Young Adult fiction.
Christy's Cozy Corners - 5 Ways To Prepare For The Next Star Wars Movie
It’s no secret that new Star Wars movies are on the horizon, and fans are rabid about getting to see them. But waiting for them to hit theaters is enough to make even the Dalai Lama lose patience. So what’s a superfan to do in the meantime? Well, here are five things you can do right now to tide you over until the next Star Wars film hits the big screen.
Wishful Endings - Excerpt
Anna bit her lip nervously. Something she always did that was so cute, it practically made Jack’s heart melt. “I don’t know how to say this,” Anna said. “I’ve been trying to figure out a way to bring it up, but… it never seemed like the right time.”
“Hey, whatever it is, you can tell me,” said Jack. “No time like the present!”
Anna sighed. “Look, Jack…” she said. “You’re a great guy…”
Uh-oh, thought Jack, as alarm bells suddenly started ringing in his ears.
MichaelSciFan - Interview
Is there a message you want readers to get from the book, other than that Deathlords are evil jerks?
Well, obviously Deathlords being evil jerks is the primary message I want readers to walk away with. I think it’s important to illustrate just how big of jerks a race of aliens bent on killing everything is. Who cares about messages of personal responsibility, coming of age, friendship, loyalty, and the power of human belief and spirituality? Aliens are total jerks. Message, sent!
deal sharing aunt - Interview
4. What was one of the most surprising things you learned in creating your books?
That the unicorn is the national animal of Scotland. I just so happened to see a Facebook meme about it while creating my novel, and according to Wikipedia, it’s totally true. HUGE surprise.
(The Earthman Jack Space Saga #2)
by Matthew Kadish
YA Sci-Fi
Paperback & ebook, 663 Pages
September 15th 2015 by Twelve Oaks Mediaby Matthew Kadish
YA Sci-Fi
Paperback & ebook, 663 Pages

After his heroic battle against the Deathlords on the Ghost Planet, Jack Finnegan is looking forward to arriving at Omnicron Prime, the capitol planet of the Galactic Regalus Empire -the largest and most advanced civilization in the universe.
Things are looking bright for Jack. He has his unconventional group of friends, his mystical spaceship, and the girl of his dreams -Princess Anna. Not to mention a secret mission that could save Earth and everyone he cares about.
But things get complicated when he arrives at Omnicron. Not only is Jack uncomfortable being thrust into the spotlight for his courageous actions to save the universe, but he soon finds life in the Empire isn't everything he'd dreamed it would be.
His friends abandon him to pursue their own interests. Greedy and cunning politicians conspire to steal his spaceship. Even his relationship with Anna is strained now that she's gone from being "the girl next door" to the most powerful woman in the universe.
But beneath all that lies a new and terrifying threat from the Deathlords. A threat that grows in secret, slowly spreading throughout the Regalus Empire like a plague, and it threatens to destroy from within the only thing powerful enough to stop the Deathlords and their malicious rampage throughout the galaxy -the Empire itself.
Worst of all -Jack is the only one who knows about this new threat, and no one will believe his warnings.
Suddenly, the Empire is no longer safe for Jack and his friends. Even the people they've come to rely on the most can no longer be trusted. As those he's sworn to protect turn against him, how can Jack hope to save the day?
Fighting the Deathlords was one thing. Fighting the "good guys" is quite another. Will Jack be able to find the strength to be the hero the universe needs?
Or will he finally be defeated by this Secret Army?
Amazon - Book Depository
Also in the Series
(The Earthman Jack Space Saga #1)
by Matthew Kadish
YA Sci-Fi
Paperback & ebook, 680 Pages
July 4th 2013 by Twelve Oaks Media
Jack Finnegan only has to worry about dealing with school bullies, suffering through detention with his homeroom teacher, and getting noticed by the girl of his dreams... at least until an army of evil aliens invade Earth. Suddenly, this teenage slacker finds himself at the center of a galaxy-spanning conflict - where the lives of everyone on the planet are in jeopardy, soldiers use Quantum Physics to become superheroes, and the enemy uses some mysterious form of magic to make themselves practically unstoppable.
The secret to ending the conflict and saving the universe may lie in a powerful ancient spaceship, which it seems can only be flown by Earthmen. Now, Jack and a rag-tag group of allies must overcome impossible odds, defeat an unkillable enemy, rescue the princess of the galaxy, and save the universe from a threat more terrifying than any it has ever faced.
Can this underachiever rise to the occasion and become the hero Earth needs? The fate of all life in the galaxy may rest in his hands.
Matthew Kadish is an independent author and world-recognized evil genius. When he isn't writing or being evil, he enjoys relaxing at the beach and videos of puppies. Much like Scottish cuisine, most of his literary works have been based on dares. He currently lives in Las Vegas and always bets on black, because Westley Snipes has yet to steer him wrong in life. He is the most talented author ever. His mother tells him so every day.
$20 Amazon Gift Card (INT)
3 copies of Earthman Jack vs. The Secret Army (Print to US entrants, ebook to International)
Tour Giveaway
$20 Amazon Gift Card (INT)
3 copies of Earthman Jack vs. The Secret Army (Print to US entrants, ebook to International)