The adventure that began with Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children and continued in Hollow City comes to a thrilling conclusion with Library of Souls. As the story opens, sixteen-year-old Jacob discovers a powerful new ability, and soon he’s diving through history to rescue his peculiar companions from a heavily guarded fortress. Accompanying Jacob on his journey are Emma Bloom, a girl with fire at her fingertips, and Addison MacHenry, a dog with a nose for sniffing out lost children.
They’ll travel from modern-day London to the labyrinthine alleys of Devil’s Acre, the most wretched slum in all of Victorian England. It’s a place where the fate of peculiar children everywhere will be decided once and for all. Like its predecessors, Library of Souls blends thrilling fantasy with never-before-published vintage photography to create a one-of-a-kind reading experience.
My Review:
Wow. This series has been quite the explosion of weirdness and adventure. Basically, it's the kid version of X-Men, with characters who have far more, er, odd abilities.
Jacob Portman and Emma Bloom and their band of peculiar friends have been sent on a goose chase, trying to save Miss Peregrine.
This book starts right off where the second one ended, literally.
Emma and Jacob are forced to face really hard decisions in this book. As in, how will they save their friends and who is more important? Miss Peregrine and her sisters or their peculiar friends?
We also learn an incredible amount about the peculiar world, huge, almost terrifyingly amazing things. Of which Jacob and Emma must endure to save their friends.
I love all these characters (there are quite a few, but the awesome cover of the hard bound book has all their signatures on it--quite clever and cool). They have a great sense of family and love for each other, despite everything they've gone through.
Jacob has grown up a ton, too. He's no longer your typical teenager, but a young man who knows hardship and knows what he wants.
Even the bad guys were really well developed and gave us lots of twists and turns I wasn't expecting.
Can I just say the ending was beautiful? Well, it was. I am sad to say goodbye to this series, but it has been wonderful.
5 out of 5!
I still need to read book two and three, so happy you loved it though!